We are delighted to serve our active members and future leaders of the nursing community. This is our home on the web, so please feel free to take part in the discussion forum or explore our website for upcoming events, networking opportunities and panels for career advancement. If your Sigma membership has lapsed, then please click here to Renew Today.
Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing
You are invited to join Sigma through the Alpha Phi Chapter. Learn how a Sigma membership can benefit your nursing career!
- UNDERGRADUATE (generic and accelerated) Students:
- have completed 1/2 of the nursing curriculum,
- have greater than a 3.0 GPA on a 4.0 grading scale,
- rank in the upper 35% of the graduating class,
- meet the expectation of academic integrity.
- RN-to-BS Students:
- have completed 12 credit hours at their current school
- have completed 1/2 of the nursing curriculum,
- have greater than a 3.0 GPA on a 4.0 grading scale,
- rank in the upper 35% of the graduating class,
- meet the expectation of academic integrity.
- GRADUATE Students (Master’s and Doctoral):
- have completed 1/4 of the nursing curriculum,
- have greater than a 3.5 GPA on a 4.0 grading scale,
- meet the expectation of academic integrity.
- Nurse Leaders
- Be legally recognized to practice nursing in their country
- Have a minimum of a baccalaureate degree or the equivalent in any field
- Demonstrate achievement in nursing
- Please complete the online application (If you have a problem accessing the online application, then copy and paste the application link in a different browser with Gmail account access
- Fall application is CLOSED: https://forms.gle/7AQ5GSqgRaMHxCSV7
- Fall application deadline: October 7, 2024
Chapter President's Message
I am honored to serve as President of our Alpha Phi Chapter and to follow the path that Dr. Kathleen Nokes has established and defined for our chapter. With her leadership we have had success in several areas. Structures have been established that support programming, research, recruitment, retention and a sound financial plan. I would suggest that we continue on this path and further explore mentoring, collaboration and partnership with our local, national and international chapters.
We as an organization recognize the value of scholarship, research, leadership and career development. The Sigma Mission “Developing nurse leaders anywhere to improve healthcare everywhere” is truly meaningful, and in this year as we celebrate the year of the nurse, we recognize nurses globally for their overwhelming courage and clinical expertise in the face of a pandemic. It is my wish for us as a chapter to pay it forward and pay tribute to our nursing colleagues. Our heroes!
The unprecedented challenges we have faced as nurses during the past few months have highlighted our roles, the value of leadership and yes, many have risen to the occasion to courageously lead their team. There are many nurse leaders in our chapter that are deserving of leadership recognition. Please join me in identifying these individuals and acknowledging their contribution to care.
Our Sigma Vision speaks to staying “Connected, empowered nurse leaders transforming global healthcare”. So, let us collectively acknowledge those leaders among us and work to involve them moving forward to participate, and to join in chapter initiatives. Every Nurse is a leader and I suggest that the goal for our Chapter is to; encourage their contributions in strengthening professional roles, improve chapter membership, retention and to engage our members in a partnership to develop more programs, research, broaden our reach and to collaborate.
On behalf of all your Alpha Phi Board Members and Committee Chairs, we are delighted that you have joined our chapter. Sigma membership is a great way to participate in activities that contribute to professional growth. This is the 50th anniversary of our chapter and we have a rich history and programs that support research and scholarship such as the Creative and Scholarly Project award to a member graduating from one of the academic programs; two $1,000 evidence-base practice awards; and a research grant with $2,000 of funding for an IRB approved study
Please feel free to contact me at doflaherty77@gmail.com or any member of the Alpha Phi Board, with suggestions, questions, concerns, or ideas.
Warmest Regards,
Deirdre O'Flaherty, DNP, MSN, APRN-BC, NEA-BC, ONC